Saturday, March 22, 2008

The True Meaning of LOVE

Love doesn't mean that you will never feel pain or live a life free from care.
It doesn't mean that you will never be hurt or that your life will never be hurt or that your life will be perfect,
with every moment consumed by happiness.
Love does mean that you will always have a companion,
someone to help you through the difficult times and rejoice with you in your times of celebration.
Love does mean that each arguement is followed by a time of forgiveness,
and each time of sorrow is far outweighed by all the tender moments spent in each other's arms.
Love is the miracle that can take two lives and mold them into one,
take two souls and bind them for life,
take two hearts and fill them with enough passion and tenderness to last a lifetime.
Love is a blessing that will lead you down life's most beautiful path.

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