Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Dearest Horny Hon

Haha sorry about the title yea?
Lets talk about today..
Its VALENTINE, you took me to a Sally Yeh CONCERT & it was Fantastic!!
(even i do not understand a single word she said-cantonese)
You came early to my house and you brought a bouquet of flower and a box that filled me with excitement and curiosity.
I rushed to get my stuff to flee with you to Genting.
On the way, i opened the box with joy and we talked in the car for the whole journey.
When we reached Genting, it was FREEZING COLD!!!
oh, did i mention that your driving was Crazee???
WRECKLESS DRIVER!!! (lucky am safe, jk la...)
And we went to the concert 45 mins late, but it was worth it!!!
We were tickling each other inside there and shouting because it was really loud.
After the concert, we had dinner (Burger King- where he misplaced his PHONE)..
Pin actually wanted to take me to Coffee Bean, but sadly...
they did not serve food... =[
We also had COTTON CANDY & we played that SHOOTING GUN GAME!!!
(unfortunately he was better than me)
then we kindda you know... when we were walking.. oh.. but i do that almost every MONDAY!!
hehehe.. some-stuff happened!!!
something happened in the car before i went home!!!

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