I always wanted someone special in my life.
I wanted someone who cared about me and understood my feelings;
someone who would listen to my worries and try to help me ease my way through them.
I wanted someone who would be patient with me when I needed a little more time and tolerance;
someone who din't expect or demand that I try to be someone I'm not,
and who wouldn't try to manipulate me into thier idea of a perfect mate.
I wanted someone who knew how to give-not just on special occasions or when it's easy or convenient,
but everyday-whenever there was a moment that we could share.
I wanted someone who would make time for me regardless of busy and hectic schedules;
I wanted to know that i mattered and that I was more impotant than a business deal.
I wanted someone in my life who knew what love and loving mean and who allowed themselves every opportunity to enjoy those wonderful feelings.
I wanted someone who had hopes and dreams about happiness and the future, just as I did.
As you probably know by now...
you are the person who fits all my ideals.
When it comes to the special someone in my life,
you are all I ever wanted.
(And still waiting for HIM to come)